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Google "real-time search"

Reflect the latest news articles and tweets in Google search results in real time.

In the real-time search, the contents written on the web are reflected in the search results immediately after being written ... That is, the search result is automatically updated.

Google also works with your own Google Buzz, as well as with Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, FriendFeed, Jaiku, Identi.ca etc. Partnerships with Japanese microblogging are also being considered.

When you can do real time search, you can follow the latest information flow through Twitter and news articles. In addition, it will promote communication with meaning keywords such as Twitter, just like ima, doco, and nani.

It is attractive in some way and also scary.

I would like to make use of the meaning sufficiently so that it will not promote the "light, thin, short and small" information of the world.

» Google
If you click "Display search tool" at the top left of the search result page and choose "Latest" in the period designation on the left side menu, the latest information related to keywords will be displayed with the time display.