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Apple, Microsoft and Google. There is a site that shows how each company's approach to HTML 5 is transmitted. Apple's HTML5 Showcase, Google's HTML5ROCKS and Arcade Fire, and Microsoft's Test Drive and a new HTML5 related site, Beauty of the Web. By Microsoft announcing the Internet Explorer 9 beta version on 9/15, the way to HTML 5 that accelerated further. Although it can be said that it is a long talk of a long way ago, in addition to "flash, goodbye" attack by Apple's iPad, 1) unification of user environment 2) trend of hurdles for the creator of development tools and technology

Google changed the design. The big point is the constant display of the left menu on the search result display screen. Previously it was necessary to click "search tool" and open the menu as an option. You can easily access a wider variety of services (menus), and it will play a role in informing many users about functions that they have not known before. Along with this, I changed the expression of the interface including the logo and made it a modern visual. Indeed, the new design that was in line with the recent WEB graphic trend avoiding excessive decoration looks fresh, how is it?

Africa is hot now! ! ! Emerging Africa, which is rapidly emerging among the world economy. In fact, No 1 will be "South Africa Republic". Football World Cup will be held again in June

Recently a little bit of dish. "Garlic twist 2.0" In my home, I often use scented ingredients such as garlic and herbs. But if you carve with a kitchen knife or a knife, scents will inevitably be transferred to your fingers ... It is convenient goods for such a time. Garlic twist 2.0 Insert the thing you want to score in "garlic twist 2.0" and turn it in your hand and it will quickly chop. It got together properly in one place ... It is a mystery to try it somehow! If you scoop the gathered materials with a spoon, the scent will not shift to your fingers. Incidentally not only garlic but also challenging to carve various ingredients ★ Next trend company http://arktrading.jp/garlictwist/index.htm